Glossary of Terms

The following is an A to Z listing of common terms. More material will be added over time.

Apparition -

Aura -

Chakra -

Channeling -

Chi -

Clairvoyance -

Dissociation -

Divination -

Dowsing -

Ectoplasm -

Electromagnetic field (EMF) -

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) - electronically generated sounds and noises resembling speech; may be paranormal in origin; popularized by parapsychologist Konstantine Raudive (1909-1974)

EMF - see electromagnetic field

ESP - see extrasensory perception

EVP - see electronic voice phenomena

Extrasensory perception (ESP)

Faraday cage -

Ganzfeld experiment - (from the German for "entire field") - a technique used in the field of parapsychology to test individuals for extrasensory perception (ESP). The technique was pioneered by Wolfgang Metzger in the 1920s and 1930s as part of his investigations into gestalt theory. It uses homogeneous and unpatterned sensory stimulation to produce effects said to be conducive to inwardly generated impressions, similar to sensory deprivation.

Ghost – the visible disembodied soul of a dead person

Haunting -

Hypnosis -

Intuition -

Ki -

Kirlian photography -

Kundalini -

Levitation -

Meditation -

NDE - see near death experience

Near-death experience (NDE) -

Out of body experience -

Paranormal -

Parapsychology -

Past-life regression -

Poltergeist -

Prana -

Precognition -

Premonition -

Psychic -

Psychokinesis -

Psychometry -

Qi -

Reincarnation -

Remote viewing -

Retrocognition -

Sensitive -

Shade -

Shakti -

Shaman -

Spirit -

Subliminal -

Telekinesis -

Telepathy -

Trance -

Zener cards -